Description |
This family consists of peptides from Bombina maxima (Giant fire-bellied toad). Two groups of antimicrobial peptides have been isolated from skin secretions of B. maxima. Peptides in the first group, named maximins 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, are structurally related to bombinin-like peptides (BLPs). Unlike BLPs, sequence variations in maximins occurred all through the molecules. In addition to the potent antimicrobial activity, cytotoxicity against tumour cells and spermicidal action of maximins, maximin 3 possessed a significant anti-Simian-Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) activity. Maximins 1 and 3 have been found to be toxic to mice. Peptides in the second group, termed maximins H1, H2, H3 and H4, are homologous with bombinin H peptides [PMID: 11835991]. |
The format for Signature ID is the family name, followed by H or P for HMM or Pattern respectively. The integer suffixed to H or P denotes the length of the sequences used to create the family signature. If no integer is suffixed, it indicates that the signature was created using all the sequences of the family. The integer following the underscore denotes the number of sequences used for the creation of signatures.
For example:
AureinH_21 is a HMM for Aurein family created using 21 sequences.
AureinP16_9 is a pattern for Aurein family derived using 9 input sequences that are 16 residues long. |