Title : Antimicrobial protein Ace-AMP1
GenInfo Identifier : 2497758
Source : Allium cepa [Onion]
Taxonomy : Plantae
UniProt: Q41258
PubMed : 7480341
Activity : Antibacterial, Antifungal
Gram Nature : Gram +ve
Target :
A. brassicola ( MIC = 2.5 microg/mL) , A. pisi ( MIC = 1 microg/mL) , B. cinerea ( MIC = 3 microg/mL) , C. lindemuthianum ( MIC = 1.5 microg/mL) , F. culmorum ( MIC = 6 microg/mL) , F. oxysporum fsp. Pisi ( MIC = 3.5 microg/mL) , F. oxysporum fsp. Lycopersici ( MIC = 3 microg/mL) , N. haematococca ( MIC = 3.5 microg/mL) , P. betae ( MIC = 1.5 microg/ml ) , P. tritici-repentis ( MIC = 3 microg/ml) , P. oryzae ( MIC = 3 microg/ml) , V. dahliae ( MIC = 0.25 microg/ml) , B. megaterium , S. lutea
Validated : Experimentally validated
Comment : Inactive against A. tumefaciens , A. eutrophus, A. brasilense, E. carotovora, E. coli, P. solanacearum ,P. syringae
InterPro : IPR016140 : Bifunc_inhib/LTP/seed_store.
Gene Ontology :
GO ID Ontology Definition
GO:0042742 Biological process Defense response to bacterium IEA
GO:0050832 Biological process Defense response to fungus IEA
GO:0031640 Biological process Killing of cells of other organism IEA
Length : 93

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