Title : Circulin-D
GenInfo Identifier : 76364212
Source : Chassalia parviflora
Taxonomy : Plantae
UniProt: P84642
PubMed : 10691702
Activity : Antiviral
Target :
HIV-1 ( EC50 = 50-275 nM)
Validated : Experimentally validated
Pfam : PF03784 : Cyclotide ( Cyclotide family )
InterPro : IPR005535 : Cyclotide.
IPR012323 : Cyclotide_bracelet_CS.
IPR017307 : Cyclotide_subgr.
AMP Family : Cyclotide
Signature :
ID Type Pattern / HMM
CyclotideH30_27 HMM
CyclotideH_67 HMM
CyclotideP30_27 Pattern C-[FV]-x-[GIL]-x-C-x-[STV]-[AGNPST]-x(3)-[CG]
Gene Ontology :
GO ID Ontology Definition
GO:0006952 Biological process Defense response IDA
GO:0050688 Biological process Regulation of defense response to virus IEA
Length : 30

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Maharashtra, India