Title : BmKn2
GenInfo Identifier : 74793383
Source : Mesobuthus martensii [Manchurian scorpion]
Taxonomy : Animalia, Arachnida
UniProt: Q6JQN2
PubMed : 15062994
Activity : Antibacterial
Gram Nature : Gram +ve, Gram -ve
Target :
S.aureus ( MIC = 0.6 microg/ml), M.luteus ( MIC = 8 microg/ml), B.subtilis ( MIC = 5 microg/ml), E.coli ( MIC = 1.5 microg/ml), P.aeruginosa ( MIC = 21.3 microg/ml)
Validated : Experimentally validated
Gene Ontology :
GO ID Ontology Definition
GO:0005576 Cellular component Extracellular region IEA
GO:0016021 Cellular component Integral component of membrane IEA
GO:0042742 Biological process Defense response to bacterium IEA
GO:0050688 Biological process Regulation of defense response to virus IEA
Length : 13

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ICMR-National Institute for Research in Reproductive and Child Health, Jehangir Merwanji Street, Parel, Mumbai-400012
Maharashtra, India