Title : Lysozyme C-1
Source : Mus musculus [Mouse]
Taxonomy : Animalia, Mammals
UniProt: P17897
PubMed : 14977423
Activity : Antibacterial, Antifungal
Gram Nature : Gram +ve, Gram -ve
Target :
Candida albicans ( MIC50 < 40 pmol ), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MIC50 > 120 pmol), Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae (MIC50 > 120 pmol), Staphylococcus aureus, Group B streptococci
Validated : Experimentally validated
Pfam : PF00062 : Lys ( C-type lysozyme/alpha-lactalbumin family )
InterPro : IPR001916 : Glyco_hydro_22.
IPR019799 : Glyco_hydro_22_CS.
IPR000974 : Glyco_hydro_22_lys.
IPR023346 : Lysozyme-like_dom.
Gene Ontology :
GO ID Ontology Definition
GO:0005737 Cellular component Cytoplasm ISO
GO:0005788 Cellular component Endoplasmic reticulum lumen ISO
GO:0005615 Cellular component Extracellular space ISO
GO:0000137 Cellular component Golgi cis cisterna ISO
GO:0005795 Cellular component Golgi stack ISO
GO:0005902 Cellular component Microvillus ISO
GO:0048237 Cellular component Rough endoplasmic reticulum lumen ISO
GO:0030141 Cellular component Secretory granule ISO
GO:0030140 Cellular component Trans-Golgi network transport vesicle ISO
GO:0016798 Molecular function Hydrolase activity, acting on glycosyl bonds ISO
GO:0042802 Molecular function Identical protein binding ISO
GO:0003796 Molecular function Lysozyme activity ISO
GO:0019835 Biological process Cytolysis IEA
GO:0042742 Biological process Defense response to bacterium ISO
GO:0050829 Biological process Defense response to Gram-negative bacterium IDA
GO:0050830 Biological process Defense response to Gram-positive bacterium IDA
GO:0031640 Biological process Killing of cells of other organism ISO
GO:0008152 Biological process Metabolic process IEA
Length : 130

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