Title : RNase 7
Source : Homo sapiens [Human]
Taxonomy : Animalia, Mammals
UniProt: Q9H1E1
Structure Database : CAMPST565
PubMed : 12244054
Activity : Antibacterial, Antifungal
Gram Nature : Gram +ve, Gram -ve
Target :
Staphylococcus aureus, Propionibacterium acnes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans, Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (LD90 < 0.03 microM )
Validated : Experimentally validated
Pfam : PF00074 : RnaseA ( Pancreatic ribonuclease )
InterPro : IPR001427 : RNaseA.
IPR023411 : RNaseA_AS.
IPR023412 : RNaseA_domain.
Gene Ontology :
GO ID Ontology Definition
GO:0005737 Cellular component Cytoplasm IDA
GO:0005576 Cellular component Extracellular region IDA
GO:0005615 Cellular component Extracellular space IDA
GO:0004519 Molecular function Endonuclease activity IEA
GO:0001530 Molecular function Lipopolysaccharide binding IDA
GO:0003676 Molecular function Nucleic acid binding IEA
GO:0042834 Molecular function Peptidoglycan binding IDA
GO:0004540 Molecular function Ribonuclease activity IDA
GO:0019731 Biological process Antibacterial humoral response IDA
GO:0061844 Biological process Antimicrobial humoral immune response mediated by antimicrobial peptide IDA
GO:0050832 Biological process Defense response to fungus IDA
GO:0050829 Biological process Defense response to Gram-negative bacterium IDA
GO:0050830 Biological process Defense response to Gram-positive bacterium IDA
GO:0045087 Biological process Innate immune response IDA
GO:0051673 Biological process Membrane disruption in other organism IDA
GO:0005737 Cellular component Cytoplasm IDA
GO:0005576 Cellular component Extracellular region IDA
GO:0005615 Cellular component Extracellular space IDA
GO:0004519 Molecular function Endonuclease activity IEA
GO:0001530 Molecular function Lipopolysaccharide binding IDA
GO:0003676 Molecular function Nucleic acid binding IEA
GO:0042834 Molecular function Peptidoglycan binding IDA
GO:0004540 Molecular function Ribonuclease activity IDA
GO:0019731 Biological process Antibacterial humoral response IDA
GO:0061844 Biological process Antimicrobial humoral immune response mediated by antimicrobial peptide IDA
GO:0050832 Biological process Defense response to fungus IDA
GO:0050829 Biological process Defense response to Gram-negative bacterium IDA
GO:0050830 Biological process Defense response to Gram-positive bacterium IDA
GO:0045087 Biological process Innate immune response IDA
GO:0051673 Biological process Membrane disruption in another organism IDA
Length : 128

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Maharashtra, India