Title : Mouse Ang1
Source : Mus musculus [Mouse]
Taxonomy : Animalia, Mammals
UniProt: P21570
Structure Database : CAMPST613
PubMed : 12548285
Activity : Antimicrobial
Validated : Experimentally validated
Pfam : PF00074 : RnaseA ( Pancreatic ribonuclease )
Gene Ontology :
GO ID Ontology Definition
GO:0015629 Cellular component Actin cytoskeleton ISO
GO:0032311 Cellular component Angiogenin-PRI complex ISS
GO:0005604 Cellular component Basement membrane ISS
GO:0005694 Cellular component Chromosome ISO
GO:0031410 Cellular component Cytoplasmic vesicle IEA
GO:0005576 Cellular component Extracellular region TAS
GO:0005615 Cellular component Extracellular space ISS
GO:0030426 Cellular component Growth cone IDA
GO:0043025 Cellular component Neuronal cell body IDA
GO:0005730 Cellular component Nucleolus ISS
GO:0005634 Cellular component Nucleus ISS
GO:0003779 Molecular function Actin binding ISS
GO:0005507 Molecular function Copper ion binding ISS
GO:0003677 Molecular function DNA binding IEA
GO:0004519 Molecular function Endonuclease activity IEA
GO:0008201 Molecular function Heparin binding ISS
GO:0042277 Molecular function Peptide binding ISO
GO:0042803 Molecular function Protein homodimerization activity ISS
GO:0004540 Molecular function Ribonuclease activity IDA
GO:0003723 Molecular function RNA binding IC
GO:0005102 Molecular function Signaling receptor binding ISS
GO:0030041 Biological process Actin filament polymerization ISS
GO:0032431 Biological process Activation of phospholipase A2 activity ISS
GO:0007202 Biological process Activation of phospholipase C activity ISS
GO:0032148 Biological process Activation of protein kinase B activity ISO
GO:0001525 Biological process Angiogenesis ISS
GO:0019731 Biological process Antibacterial humoral response IDA
GO:0019732 Biological process Antifungal humoral response IDA
GO:0061844 Biological process Antimicrobial humoral immune response mediated by antimicrobial peptide IDA
GO:0030154 Biological process Cell differentiation IEA
GO:0016477 Biological process Cell migration ISO
GO:0007417 Biological process Central nervous system development NAS
GO:0050830 Biological process Defense response to Gram-positive bacterium IDA
GO:0006651 Biological process Diacylglycerol biosynthetic process ISS
GO:0045087 Biological process Innate immune response IDA
GO:0048662 Biological process Negative regulation of smooth muscle cell proliferation ISS
GO:0017148 Biological process Negative regulation of translation IEA
GO:0001938 Biological process Positive regulation of endothelial cell proliferation ISS
GO:0042327 Biological process Positive regulation of phosphorylation ISO
GO:0050714 Biological process Positive regulation of protein secretion ISS
GO:0009725 Biological process Response to hormone ISO
GO:0001666 Biological process Response to hypoxia ISS
GO:0001878 Biological process Response to yeast IDA
GO:0009303 Biological process RRNA transcription ISS
Length : 97

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ICMR-National Institute for Research in Reproductive and Child Health, Jehangir Merwanji Street, Parel, Mumbai-400012
Maharashtra, India